Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Out of sight 
Out of view
Out of accolades

It's just me and you 

Where no one remembers 
Where no one else goes
Where no one notices

Where no one even knows 

Where you want me
Where I need it 
Where I hate it 

Where I'll submit 

Out of comfort 
Out of certainty
Out of familiar 

We're proving worthy 

Where you show me 
Where you find me
Where I find you

No other place to be 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


I’ve been thinking about pride a lot lately. I’m bothered by it. I see it differently now than I used to. 

Sometimes I think we’re confused about what pride really is. Growing up I thought pride meant thinking way more highly of myself than was accurate. Or thinking I was really awesome at something when I wasn’t. And sure, you could say that those things are prideful. Or delusional, maybe. 
But I’ve found pride is far more pervasive and subtle.

People like to say that pride is simply thinking of yourself more than you should. I disagree. 
Thinking of yourself more than you should is called being selfish. Pride and selfishness are connected, sure. But they are not one and the same. 

Pride is in everything we think. Pride is in everything we do. Pride is a filter through which everything we think flows. Meaning, everything we think, the choices we make, how we view the world is filtered through pride. Pride controls our perspective. Pride keeps us from seeing what’s true, and makes the truth sound like a lie. 
Ultimately pride equals trust. I trust what *I* think. I trust what *I* know. Simply, I trust ME. 

This is pride. Pride quietly and subtly enforces the house of thought that says “I KNOW BEST.” 

It’s hard for us to recognize this or admit it. Because we’re very good at justifying why our pride is not and could never be pride. But we need to understand that this is pride’s tactic. To never be recognized. Because when we see pride for what it is, it loses it’s hold on us. As long as we deny our pride, it holds all the power and we remain slaves to it. 

You could wonder why this matters. Because you could make the argument that your pride really isn’t hurting anyone else. And for a while, that is probably true. But that won’t last. 
Here’s why: 
Proverbs 16:18 
Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. 

This matters because we need to understand that the Word of God is ALWAYS true. 
This matters because we need to understand that we can’t control the fallout our pride will lead us into. 
We cannot control who our pride will hurt. When that destruction hits (and it will), it will destroy whoever is in our path. That could be husbands or wives, our children. Our friends, siblings, people who look up to us. The list goes on, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. It will be painful beyond our imagination. Beyond our highest thought. All the things we were sure we knew won’t matter at all. 

I know this is hard to believe, and as you’re reading it, you’re getting flustered or upset. Because you’re seeing areas of your life that could be deeply infiltrated by pride, and it’s scary. Because to put down the pride makes us vulnerable. We have to release all control. We have to truly acknowledge that God does know best and we DO NOT HAVE TO UNDERSTAND. 

I know it can seem like there is no hope. But there is. 
We can be humble. We can humble ourselves. It might be hard to know where to start. And this is why the Holy Spirit is such a good friend. He’ll show you where the pride is. He surely has and continues to show me. 

Humility is our only safe path. It’s hard, I’m not going to lie to you. It will seem really unfair. Humility will demand more of you than anything else. But consider for a moment all that is at stake. 
Your children could be at stake. Your future could be at stake. All your hopes and goals could be at stake. 

Pride sits in firm opposition from the Lord. It always has, and always will. It draws the battle lines and hopes we’ll take up arms on it’s side. And most often, we do. Because pride doesn’t sound prideful. Pride sounds like us. It sounds pretty good, right, reasonable, logical and understandable. 
Remember for a moment, Eve, in the Garden. Why did she eat the fruit? Because she was concerned that maybe there was something SHE didn’t know. And that desire stamped out trust. Her need to be in control was greater than continuing in humble trust that God was in control and that everything he had set up was best. 

John 8:32 says that the truth will set you free. This is a spiritual principle. I believe this isn't just about KNOWING the truth. But in every area of our lives, when we know the TRUTH and when we ADMIT the truth (even if it's ugly and wrapped up in our sin and pride) that is when we can truly be FREE. We can't be free from things we can't admit are true.

Humility is quiet. Humility learns to sit in the unseen and be content. Humility learns to go unnoticed and overlooked and not become bitter. 
Humility is willing to admit it's not in charge. It smiles and says “I don’t know best.” It doesn’t demand control, because humility knows it can’t be in control. 

It’s the harder position, because in our pride we want to know best. But it’s the safer position. 
Humility is what keeps us close to the Lord.