Thursday, July 7, 2016

Heart of Flesh

My heart is broken again tonight. 

Over the past two days, two men have been shot and killed by the police. Tonight, 4 officers were killed at a protest. I don't have adequate words to convey what's in my heart, or in my head. But I feel the weight of the past few days. 

More lives cut short. More death. 

Love is wrecking my life recently. And it’s a good thing. Opening my eyes beyond my ideals. Not shaking my convictions of right and wrong, but challenging my (at times) tunnel vision. It's easy to dehumanize these situations when we want to dig in our heels for our ideals. And sometimes, it's easier to ignore the problems than address them. And in so doing, we often forget that there are people on the other side of every story. People with families, and places they belonged. We’ve forgotten our humanity, it seems. 

Lives are being taken, right and left, all the time. 
I believe it so grieves the heart of God when the lives of his children are taken. He wrote our stories, you see. From beginning to end, every day was written out. Long before we born. He knows the whole story. He cares about the whole story. 

I pray we find our humanity again. Remember that no matter the circumstance, it’s about PEOPLE. Life is about PEOPLE. Eternity will be full of PEOPLE. We’re all the same, you know. 
We come from different families, with different values. Sure, we have different skin color, maybe even different sexual orientations. 
But when you strip away all the labels, we’re all the same. We’re people. With breath in our lungs and dreams in our hearts. With purposes and destinies to fulfill. 
It’s not about sides. We’re are one side. We’re human. 

Ezekiel 36:26
“I will give you a new heart and a new spirit; I will remove your heart of stone and restore your heart of flesh.” 

Oh God, take our hearts of stone and restore our hearts of flesh! That our hearts would beat for one another again. Let us leave our differences on the ground and weep with our brother. 

Let our hearts beat for one another again. 

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