Sunday, June 12, 2016


We have different view points. We might not vote the same way, or love the same things. We have different personalities. We're passionate about different things. You're good at one thing, I'm good at something else. You might believe one thing, I believe something else. We have different jobs, in different cities. Our skin are different colors. We have different families.You might have brothers, I have a sister. 
Maybe you like cats, I like dogs. Maybe you like blue, I like green. Maybe your hair is brown, mine is red.
You live in Orlando, and I live in Tucson.
But you laugh, and so do I.
You cry, and so do I.
You get hurt, and so do I.
You feel pain, and so do I.
You love, and so do I.
You have a purpose, and so do I.
We're different, but we're the same.
I believe we're made and loved by the same Person. You might not, and that's ok. That's not the point.
We're different but the same.

I can't accept what happened last night in your city. To your friends, your family. To you.
It doesn't matter where it happened. Because no matter where it happened, the victims are PEOPLE.
People who laugh and cry and think and dream. People who have a purpose, a calling, and an eternal destiny. People who ARE LOVED by the Eternal Father.
People who matter.

Sorry isn't enough. There's not a word big enough. I can't seem to describe what's in my heart.
But it's broken with you. I wish I could be there. I would hold your hand. I would hug you or cry with you. Or just sit in silence with you because there's probably nothing to say.

I am praying for you.
I don't know your names or your ages. I don't know your personality type or what you do for a living.
It doesn't matter.
We're people.
We're different, but the same.
And I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said and (hopefully) what all Christians are thinking. So disheartening and sickening to see this sort of violence continue to happen in our great country.
