Saturday, June 4, 2011


Farewell oh sacred friend
and fade to past
Be there no ill will
nor strife between us
as we lay it all to rest

For life awaits
and new journeys to be found
and mysteries unraveled
upon this middle ground

I will not forget your friendly face
not you, oh sacred friend
be it now or years to come
or at our journeys end

Though we may go through fire and rain
and storms from rage to quell
I wish you all the best, my friend
and pray you,
fare thee well.

An old poem I wrote some time ago. I forgot about it, but thought I'd share it again. 


  1. I feel like you are me now what i was 2.5years ago.....this is sooo hard, learning to accept change, be happy and love rather than snap or get depressed. I pray you work things out sooner than I did in my head and with the Lord. Hold tight to His word. LOVE your husband. Make yourself be excited about change. You can do it, I am praying for you! (I am still working on this now that we are in anther completely new place..ha.) We can do it together!
