It’s been an interesting week.
We watched the inauguration for our new president. He has taken office. There have been protests. Celebrations. Marches. And the wheel of the world continually turns over.
At this moment, I’m not going to dive into the politics of it all. Which is a choice, because believe me- I want to.
As I have been observing the events of the past week, I have noticed something.
We all have people in our circle of friends, our family, acquaintances, or Facebook friends that believe differently from us. Some are hurting. Some are celebrating. Some are ecstatic. Some are devastated.
We’ve become accustomed to saying whatever we want. Whenever we want. Without accountability or consequences. Social media has created a monster far beyond the foolishness or immaturity of children. We adults have become just as careless. I won’t dwell on the terrible example we’re setting for the next generation, but I’ll let you think on that for a minute.
But here’s what I keep thinking: We’re in challenging times. And it’s likely, challenging times are still in front of us.
Foolishness would be for us to continue on this reckless path, saying (or posting) whatever pops into our heads without any thought for our fellow man. Or let's be real, any thought for the family and friends we leave to drown in the wake of our careless words.
Wisdom would consider deeply, and discern carefully before we speak.
Not everything needs to be said.
We had better learn to elevate our sense of kindness. Because without, the divide between us only becomes greater.
And I don't think we can afford that, do you?
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