Watching the world post-election is amusing. Scratch that. It's sad.
I could go into great detail about how ridiculous it is to protest the election of a president. Just so we’re all clear, you understand the government didn’t elect Donald Trump- the people did. There’s no one to protest. Your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. voted differently from you and we now have a president. And just like you, they have the right to vote for whomever they please.
Like it or hate it, this is the system we use.
Maybe the media could do us a favor by stopping the coverage of protestors and people who want to belittle the vote of the people. It makes it seem like the majority of the country doesn’t want Donald Trump as our president, and unfortunately, according to the VOTES- that’s simply not true.
I think most of all, I’m so grateful that I grew up with parents that when something didn’t go my way told me to “get over it.” I realize the people growing up a few years behind me are being taught that they don’t have to “get over it” but rather, to have a melt down. College campuses are having cry-ins* for goodness sake. Lord help us all when these people join the real world and realize that bosses don’t care about “safe spaces” or “cry-ins” when something doesn't go your way.
I had friends tell me that their bosses and co-workers didn’t show up for work the day (or days) following the election because they simply couldn’t cope.
Again. I am so thankful my parents taught me to “get over it.”
Secondly, I’m thankful for parents who “got over it” every time a president was elected that they opposed. Not once did my parents, family members, or friend’s parents get out in the street and protest a president elect. Thank God they didn’t.
In honesty, I think they had common sense and understood that when a president is elected there is NO ONE to protest, except your fellow man. And what point is there in that?
I don’t want to seem harsh, or unfeeling. But sometimes real love, is hard truth. And the hard truth is, we’ve elected a president. And the time has come to buck up and support the president the people elected. You don’t have to like him, but he holds the highest office in this country, and honor is due.
I know honor is a concept that is lost on people now. We tend to think it's archaic to honor someone we don't agree with. Make no mistake, how people treat authorities like police is directly connected to the response to our president elect. It’s a scary world without honor. We think we only have to honor those we have determined are worthy of it. That’s not how honor works. I think honor is directly connected to pride. You can't honor because you’re proud. You won't honor someone because you've decided they don't deserve it. You think you know best. But Proverbs 16:18 tells us that “prides goes before destruction.” That means that pride will destroy you. And in this case, pride will destroy our country.
Funny, pride is already destroying our country physically. People are rioting, destroying towns and burning flags, all in the name of "protest." Don’t think pride isn’t a factor here. Pride lurks in the background and lets fear take all the credit. But the result is the same. You’ll be deceived and destroyed. Because that’s what fear and pride do.
To be really honest with you, I survived 8 years of a president I didn’t vote for. No cry-ins. No falling apart. No angry protesting. No safe spaces. I survived. You will too.
I know this is a difficult time for some. So here is a list of things you can be sure of, if Donald Trump is president.
I'll be your friend, no matter who you voted for.
I'll hold your hand if you're afraid of the future.
I'll listen if you need to talk it through.
I'll be patient with you.
I'll be honest with you.
I'll pray with you.
I'll be kind to you.
I'll love you.
I know this is a difficult time for some. So here is a list of things you can be sure of, if Donald Trump is president.
I'll be your friend, no matter who you voted for.
I'll hold your hand if you're afraid of the future.
I'll listen if you need to talk it through.
I'll be patient with you.
I'll be honest with you.
I'll pray with you.
I'll be kind to you.
I'll love you.
I am sorry if you are currently devastated by the results of this election. But I would like to submit to you, that fear is a tricky thing. It’s irrational and often convinces you to believe things that aren’t true. There is an unbelievable amount of fear in regard to Donald Trump. People are terrified of things he hasn’t said, and things he hasn’t done. Take a deep breath.
There IS hope. There is ALWAYS hope. And we’re in this together. And we need each other, now maybe more than ever.
So come on, get up. Let’s wipe the tears. I’ll hold your hand and we can walk this thing out together. We’re gonna be ok.
I agree, Carlie! Well said.