Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Real Life and Superheroes

I've always felt like a hero. Yikes. That sounds big. And self-important. I don't mean it that way. I've just always deeply identified with THE hero. I've always been willing to give up what I want for the good of others. I deeply identify with the righteous quest of the hero. It's how I feel about life. But the thing is, this is real life, and we're not superheroes. 

It would be so easy if I was a hero in a book. I would just be handed my quest, or stumble upon it in some dark cave and then I would start off on my journey to save the world. It would be simple, and I would know my path. It wouldn't be easy, because what hero's journey is? But I'm ok with that. I don't mind things being difficult, as long as I know my goal, my purpose. 

I'm a task oriented person. I don't mind the task, as long as I know that in the end it will get me where I'm supposed to be. 
So what does a task oriented person do without a task? What's a hero without their journey? Just waiting, waiting...waiting. Looking at all the possibilities and still having no answers. It's infuriating. Part of me is screaming, "SOMEONE GIVE ME MY TASK!" But in reality, I'm not sure I'm even ready for it. I want to be though. 

I'm not afraid of hard work, or sacrifice. I'll gladly sacrifice if it will make a difference. Here's hoping the journey continues, or the next task reveals itself soon. 

This isn't a self-pity sort of post. Quite the opposite actually. It's amusing, humorous even.
It's just my process. Mulling over my thoughts. Trying to figure them out. Maybe even make sense of it all. 
After all, a hero doesn't like to sit around on the couch watching the world go by...


  1. Waiting is always the hardest but clearly (and I know that you know this) God sometimes works His greatest works in us when we are in those waiting periods. Praying for you, lovey.

  2. The margin of my Bible says "wait" from Isaiah 40:31 means "hope in", so those who hope in the Lord will gain new strength..."and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Rom 5:5
    Might some extra time allow for extra/deeper studying of the One you're hoping in? Perhaps study through a book of the Bible thinking and studying as if with Ama. For some reason, 2 Timothy comes to mind. But reading and studying through the gospels coming up to Easter could also refresh you with God's ultimate hope for mankind in His Son, our Lord Jesus.
    "O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer,
    This is my constant longing and prayer;
    Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures,
    Jesus Thy perfect likeness to wear.
    O to be like thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art!
    Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;
    Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart."
    (sing/read all the verses - they're a perfect prayer)
    Know that you are loved and prayed for, niecie!
