Tonight I found out what's like in some small part to really be moved with compassion. Not in some big, impressive way, mind you. Just a small way.
My husband and I went to Walmart, just picking up a few things we needed. He went to look at video games (of course) while I browsed through the movies. As I was standing there a woman walking by caught my attention. She was crying and calling out for her boyfriend, or husband to stop. "Miles, please wait", she cried out, trailing further and further behind him. I watched for a moment and was just so pressed to go pray with this young woman.
So I started out after her. She had gotten quite a ways ahead of me by this time. So I searched around a whole side of the store looking for her. I was just about to give up, kicking myself that I hadn't acted sooner, when I turned around and saw her pleading again with her husband. He walked away from her again, and left her standing in a main aisle, crying. I knew this was my chance. I walked up to her, put my hand on her arm and asked her if she was ok. I think it shocked her. She jumped and just cried more. So I asked her if I could pray with her. And she laughed, going on to explain that she and her husband were going to get divorced, it didn't matter how much they tried to bring God into it, nothing changed. I didn't have any wise words to say, except that I was so sorry they were going through that. Again I asked if I could pray with her, and she shrugged and said ok. Her husband then was walking down the aisle towards us, so she called him over explaining that "this total stranger felt moved by God to pray with them and did he want to be a part of it?" He nodded and said yes, he did want to be a part. So we joined hands and right there in the middle of the main aisle in Walmart, we prayed. Praying for their marriage, for their relationship with Jesus, for wisdom and guidance...just every aspect of their situation. After we finished praying, I got this dear young woman's number, and asked if I could stay in touch with her. I told them about my church, and asked if they would come some time. They said yes. :)
I've now spent the whole evening texting this woman, and just caring for her. Not because I'm anything special, but because I felt so moved with compassion from Jesus to care about these people. How is it possible that a woman can walk around in a store as busy as Walmart crying, and nobody asks if she's ok?
If you don't mind, pray for Miles (the husband), and Charlie (the wife). Pray for their marriage. Pray that they will have patience, and compassion for each other. Pray that they will remember their love for each other. Pray that they will come to know Jesus in a real way. Pray that tonight is just the beginning of their walk with the Lord, and that our little not-so-chance meeting in Walmart will change things for good-because God IS able.