Sunday, May 1, 2016

Stand Firm

We’re in an interesting place in the world. Every day more news stories come screaming into my line of vision and surprise me. Not because they should, but because sometimes I just can’t believe my eyes. For the record, I’ve read the Bible, cover to cover, and am quite certain that God is not surprised by current events. In fact, I would be willing to say he’s seen it before. 

I was reading a book recently, written by a pastor I know. It's a book dealing with the issue of homosexuality. In our current social climate, you can understand why this is a big deal. Anyway, he made a statement, just a simple phrase in regards to our response. He said, “You must stand firm.” 
Instantly I felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit. This phrase was important. 

As followers of Jesus, we’re familiar with the concept of “standing firm” from Ephesians 6. Often I think we view this in the context of a spiritual assault, in which we’re standing firm against deception, discouragement or weariness; some kind of physical attack of the enemy. To be clear, I don’t believe this context is incorrect. 
But the Lord really wanted me to understand something here, a fresh insight, as it were. 

I was reminded how in the garden of Eden in Genesis 3 the very first scheme of the serpent was to create doubt in Eve’s mind. Doubt about what God said, about God’s intentions. We must note that this is a CHIEF strategy of the enemy. 
Think about the encounters you’ve had with God. Have you experienced doubt later? You think to yourself, “maybe I just imagined God said that. Maybe I made it up. Maybe it was just me.” It’s more common than we like to admit. But we need to recognize that this is the strategy of the enemy. He loves to get us to doubt God. In fact he NEEDS us to doubt God, because this creates an opening that shouldn't be there. A vulnerability that shouldn't exist. Doubt is a slippery slope. The more you doubt, the easier it becomes to not truly believe that God is who he says he is, that he’ll do what he said he will do, that you are who He says you are, and that (uh oh) sin is what He says it is. We should also note that doubt is rarely an OVERT assault. But rather a subtle, or COVERT assault. Meaning, we're often quick to dismiss thoughts and ideas that we should examine and "take captive" (2 Corinthians 10:5). 
Then I started thinking about the major issues bombarding us as Jesus-followers and the Church as a whole. 
Again, the chief strategy is doubt. There are major concerns for us here because when we doubt the validity of God’s word; we are opening the door to deception. This is serious business, because deception gives birth to death. 

I read through Ephesians 6:10-18, and in verse 11 pops up that phrase “stand firm.” 
It’s such a simple insight. 
First: Our battle is not against flesh and blood. It’s not people we’re struggling against (although sometimes it's hard to tell the difference), but against powers and principalities in the heavenly places. We need to recognize that we are in a spiritual war. Constantly. Sometimes it's like we think that spiritual warfare only happens when we engage in it. This is not so. It wages around us, whether we engage or not. I would like to submit to you that there are no pacifists in the Kingdom of God. There is no room (or Biblical foundation that I've ever found) for us as real disciples of Jesus to sit back and not engage in the warfare that surrounds us. I’m reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 8:36: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered sheep to be slaughtered.” We have brothers and sisters at war- and there is a place on the line for each of us. There is a constant battle surrounding us and we need to be equipped, seasoned in the Word and obedient to do what it says. 
Second: In light of this spiritual battle, we need to recognize the strategy of the enemy. I am astonished at the amount of believers that are molding and adapting the Holy Word of God to fit with what society says is acceptable. We have generations growing up who are standing on a crumbling foundation because we aren’t familiar enough with the word of God, and more importantly, aren’t willing to STAND FIRM upon it. 

Ultimately, what I really felt like the Holy Spirit was saying to me, is that our stance in ANY spiritual battle, is to STAND FIRM. 
This isn't just about standing firm in the storm and hoping we somehow make it through. It's much more significant. It means we don't waver in our Biblical stance. There will be other believers who tell us our theology is incorrect, that we've misinterpreted scripture, that we’re too harsh, that we can’t judge, that we should only love, that we’re under grace not law…the list goes on and on and on. 
Our role is to be Biblically correct, not socially charismatic. Can you be both? Sure. Maybe for a season. But eventually one will demand allegiance. Something about not serving two masters, I think... But I'll leave that to your discernment. Too real, maybe? Oh well. I believe in radical faith. Actually, I don't think it's radical. I think serving Jesus is an all or nothing kind of deal. It's not radical. It's just how it is. 

So Believers: Know the Word. You cannot hope to STAND FIRM if you don’t read the Bible, if you aren’t in His presence daily, in HIs word daily, in prayer daily. 
The assault of the enemy will come against what you believe, what you profess, what you know to be the TRUTH. It will come in the form of little compromises (“Did God really say…?"). It will come in the form of people who say they believe what you believe. People who attend your church, your school, people you work with. Friends. Maybe even people you look up to. 

All of this can sound quite discouraging. But as I’m writing this, I’m reminded of what David said in Psalms 119:9: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” ESV. 
We often equate this scripture with sexual purity. It absolutely applies. But purity is much deeper than just our sexuality. Purity needs to permeate our lives. It should be a defining quality for us who love God. The Lord stated in Leviticus: “Be holy, as I am holy.” He IS purity. But I digress. 
I want to highlight to 2 keys in this Psalm 119:9 scripture. The word “guard” is a big one. It implies that it’s intentional, active and not at all accidental or by happenstance. Be diligent in your guard. 
The second one is “according to your word.” No need for deep exegesis here. You can’t guard your path according to a word you don’t know or read. It’s simple. Know the word of God, read it, study it, meditate on it, obey it, and guard your life with it. 

This is how we STAND FIRM.